Forest Education and Research Network
Forest Education and Research Network

Have an idea for a research or educational project?

Have an idea for a research or educational project?

Do you have a great idea for a research project or educational program that would benefit Kentucky’s forests? We are looking to make your dream a reality!

FERN is looking to crowdsource suggestions for research projects and/ or educational programs that would have important impacts and might be added to the Forest Health Research and Education Center’s projects.  In particular, we are looking to fund relatively small projects (<$5,000) that will add to our regional understanding of forest health and management techniques. If your idea is selected, you will be teamed up with a researcher or educational professional to plan out how we can successfully implement your idea. 

Interested? Contact Dr. Ellen Crocker at for more information and proposal deadlines.

What is Croudsourcing?

Crowdsourcing is a grass-roots way of generating research ideas. Instead of the typical pattern (where scientists select research projects) crowdsourcing empowers an online community to propose research projects. The goal of crowdsourcing is to find out-of-the-box ideas with the ability to directly relate to community problems and goals.

Contact Information

Ellen Crocker
Assistant Professor, Forest Health Extension

Department of Forestry and Natural Resources Lexington, KY 40546
